
Support for the Grange Insurance Audubon Center comes from our members and donors

Support for the Grange Insurance Audubon Center comes from our members and donors, who include foundations, corporations, and individuals like you. Your Audubon Center works to conserve the area's natural resources by engaging people of all ages in education, conservation and action. You make it possible for Audubon to continue educating the area about the unique natural area downtown and the wildlife that thrives here. Join the Grange Insurance Audubon Center, or make a gift, and you'll get a unique chance to explore and learn about our area's natural resources while supporting our critical nature education programs.

The Grange Insurance Audubon Center has teamed up with Columbus Audubon, our Audubon chapter, to provide a joint membership to BOTH organizations. When you join the Grange Insurance Audubon Center (GIAC) and Columbus Audubon (CA) you become a 12 month member of the National Audubon Society as well.

Joint membership benefits to members will include:

Subscription to Audubon magazine
10% discount at GIAC nature store
Discount on GIAC program fees
Free CA field trips and programs throughout the year
Volunteer opportunities
Invitations to special events at GIAC
Building rental opportunities at GIAC
Bi-monthly Song Sparrow newsletter (a joint publication of Columbus Audubon and the Grange Insurance Audubon Center)
An invitation to attend the CA annual meeting

Voice in CA/GIAC conservation initiatives

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How you can help, right now